Trying to find address numbers in the rain

I thought I was at the right house, so I got out of the car and walked up to the front door

When the weather outside is dreadful, I am glad to be a delivery driver, but I get to kneel inside my car where it is boiling plus comfortable. I can turn on the heat plus use the front windshield wipers. I don’t really mind driving in the rain at all, the only time the rain bothers myself and others is when it is strenuous to see the numbers on the houses. I work for another weed delivery service. The marijuana delivery service is simply open 7 nights a week. The two of us supply orders from 7:00 in the day until midnight, however during the other 7 hours of the day, there is a group of people that are tied up packaging orders for the following day. The two of us stopped taking delivery orders at precisely 9:00 p.m. It was definitely raining really strenuously the other night when I had to work at the marijuana delivery service plus I could not see the numbers. I was driving down a road where it was dark plus wet plus the trees were making it strenuous to see anything. I was trying to shine the lights, but the rain was too hard. I thought I was at the right house, so I got out of the car and walked up to the front door. That’s when I realized that the number was not the number on the order. I already knocked on the door plus the lady was truly frustrated when they came to the door plus saw a delivery driver. I simply apologized to the owner of the beach house plus asked if she could point myself and others in the right direction.

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