The experts on medical cannabis

A sommelier is a wine steward, and a wine expert.

If you order a bottle of wine at Olive Garden, or Texas Roadhouse, then they just pour you a glass and that’s the end of it.

At a high end restaurant they will maintain an extensive wine collection, and keep a sommelier on staff to help you order. A sommelier knows every detail about every bottle of wine in the collection, and they can talk to customers and help them find the best wine for their taste and palate. In our medical cannabis dispensary I want all of our budtenders to be the weed equivalent of sommeliers. Fortunately there are a great several resources available online for enhancing cannabis education. There are so several facets to medical cannabis that the layperson simply doesn’t understand. For example, everyone thinks that the THC gratified in a medical cannabis strain is the only pressing thing about it. This is far from the truth! With just a little cannabis education you learn about the terpenes and cannabinoids, which are essential to how the weed interacts with your brain. Working with medical cannabis isn’t just about getting high, it’s about knowing the calculus behind the high! Beyond the calculus of growing and consuming medical cannabis our employees also learn about the laws of the land. I consider medical cannabis to be legit medicine, and it should be treated with respect. My budtenders all acquire top notch cannabis education, and I encourage anyone who smokes regularly to educate themselves. As they say, a little knowledge goes a long way.



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