I am supposed to cut down my medical cannabis use

My fiance gave me an ultimatum, and I can’t say I am surprised about it.

I have been with Joanne for almost a year now, and we have been engaged for three months. My friends all told me that she was going to force me to clean up my act, but I didn’t believe them. When we were dating Jo didn’t mind that I drank and smoked and goofed off a lot. Now that we were going to become husband & wife things had to change. Jo sat me down and declared that if we were going to be married I needed to find a better job and stop smoking so much medical cannabis. The job part I understood, but I was flabbergasted that she wanted me to stop smoking medical cannabis. Why didn’t she just ask me to stop breathing oxygen, because that would be easier than giving up my beloved medical marijuana. Although I really don’t want to lie to Jo, I have decided to fudge the truth a little bit, and I got myself a job at the medical cannabis dispensary. It is a better job then the one I had before, and now I have more access to medical cannabis, plus I get an employee discount! The pay and the access to weed is great, but I also have some cover in terms of medical cannabis, as well. When I come home from work reeking of medical cannabis it won’t seem suspicious to her. Maybe this isn’t the best way to keep my relationship going, but without medical cannabis, I would be miserable.


Medical Marijuana Card Application