My husband Jim wants to open a marijuana dispensary

I know that this sounds crazy, but my husband Jim wants to open up his very own marijuana dispensary here in town. I really don’t understand why he thinks that this is the greatest idea that he has ever had, but he is very excited about it. He just will not let it go, no matter what I say to discourage him from doing it. If you know Jim, then you know that once he gets an idea in his head, then there is just no stopping him. He’s like a freight train or something and you better just get out of his way if you know what’s good for you. Anyway, Jim seems to think that he knows what he is doing, even though I know for a fact that there is a whole lot to learn about the cannabis industry that he hasn’t thought about yet. Jim says that since there is not a marijuana dispensary anywhere in our town or anywhere near to us, we would be very successful if we opened one. To me, though, it seems like there is just a whole lot of red tape and hurdles to jump through in order to start up a marijuana dispensary. However, Jim has been doing all kinds of research about it. He seems to know what he is talking about for the most part, but I still don’t trust him to invest all of our life savings into it! I hope that he is able to make his dream come true, but I have my doubts about it, that’s for sure.


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