I can clean my beach house without stopping every numerous minutes.

He looked at the medical marijuana I had used and he shook his head.

Last week, I was cleaning my beach house to prepare for my kid’s anniversary get together. I had been using medical marijuana for almost a year, and thought I knew how it affected me. The budtender at the medical marijuana dispensary had given me a comparable product than what I normally used. They were out of my 4:1 CBD products, and he gave me a odd product. He said there were a few differences, however it was pretty much the same. The few differences were that instead of being 77% CBD, it was only 25% CBD and the rest was full of THC. I knew something was odd when I cleaned my beach house without stopping every numerous minutes to relax my back. It felt so wonderful to get something done, however when I finished, the energy rush and feeling of utter joy were still there. I was giggling at everything and I laughed when I saw the light bulb unscrew itself. My spouse came home an hour later, and I was sitting in the corner, afraid to move. I thought the floor tiles were resting at attention and waiting to attack me. He looked at the medical marijuana I had used and he shook his head. He helped me to bed and laid down with me. The marijuana was 78% THC, and the CBD was only 6%. The other 16% was terpene and other products that make up the marijuana. When I woke up, my spouse told me he had gone to the medical marijuana dispensary and showed them what they had given and said how the budtender said it was the closet thing they had to the CBD products I used.


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