I am just a healthy person

I always get compliments from medical professionals & friends about how healthy I am. I thankfully experience little to no health problems in my life. I owe it to 2 things, low stress & making health a priority. I just am not a busy man. In the day I will make a cup of coffee & then brush my dog before work! Who is going to be all distraught when you do that? Brushing my dog is so soothing to me, but he loves it & purrs for me; Occasionally he flops down on the living room rug & offers his belly. Well I just know so great after that, then my coffee I slip in a little CBD oil just to mellow myself and others out & keep myself and others loose for the day. On my lunch cut I like to work out since it makes myself and others know physically better. I stretch, get a good sweat in & take a nice, leisurely shower. I work what I want & when I want to. I take only as much work as I can stand. Afterwards I like to go for walks & listen to music, and this Is great for my mental health. I am basically meditating while moving. Occasionally I will bring my vape pen with myself and others & vape cannabis oil. Most of the time I don’t need it until the evening. I will vape a bit in order to help myself and others sleep at evening. Occasionally I just need to loosen things up in order to rest. I don’t know cannabis is the sole cure for stress, however it entirely does help quite a bit.
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