I got caught in lunch traffic

There is usually a lot of extra traffic on the highway during lunch time.

I’m not sure if it’s people going back and forth to lunch or what, but it often seems like the morning traffic is the same as the lunch time traffic.

Most of the time I can avoid the interstate altogether. The marijuana dispensary where I work is located a few miles away from the interstate. I can usually take most of the back roads and highways to get where I need to go and avoid the freeway all together. Unfortunately on Tuesday, I could not avoid the freeway. I had a delivery that was going all the way to the beach and the fastest way was definitely the freeway. I was stuck in traffic for 30 minutes after one car decided to switch lanes without looking. By the time I got to the delivery at the beach, it was already half past 3:00. I expected the customer to get upset and leave me with no tip, but the woman was very kind and nice. She knew there would be traffic and did not mind waiting for her marijuana. On my way back to the cannabis business, things were much the same. I didn’t get back until late and it took almost 2 hours to run a single delivery to the beach. It was nice that the woman took me $15, but that was the only tip that I got during the whole time. At the end of the day I went home with a lot less tips than I would usually make in a 4 hour shift at the medical and recreational marijuana dispensary.
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