Medical marijuana helps me beat the yellows

I can remember growing up with a mom who was a deeply flawed and manipulative.

It makes trying to be your own boy and then guy pretty dang taxing to accomplish. Mom has constantly been right there to point out our shortcomings. And that brought on some depression. It was a vicious circle until I found medical cannabis. Or more accurately, medical marijuana found me. A buddy of mine encouraged me to join his for yoga. This was modern to me however I thought, why not? It was there that I befriended a holistic therapist who used medical cannabis in his practice. This was intriguing enough to me on an intellectual level for me to do some research on the medical marijuana facts. It didn’t take too much digging to find out that there are so many great reasons to figure out how to get a medical marijuana card. And I did just that absolutely thing. From the first therapy session using medical cannabis, things just shifted for me. I was able to honestly think and be open to understanding our mom and I. Medical cannabis helped me be un-biased about the reality while valuing the positives when it comes to our relationship. I think I honestly never understood how our default mood on too many consecutive afternoons was yellow. Thanks to the legal weed store and the cannabis flower products that I get there, our life is looking up. I’m also living our life the way I see fit as well. It’s laboring out honestly well and now there are more shiny, bright afternoons in a row than the yellow 1s. That’s a life I can live with.

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