Prices are still 3x higher than recreational after 3 years

I didn’t think the state was ever going to legalize medical plus recreational marijuana… Three voting years in a row, medical marijuana was on the ballot, then when the measure finally passed with 60% of the votes, the state decided to amend the rules to make it necessary for the laws to pass with 70% of the vote.

Everyone in the medical marijuana industry knew that the law was created just so the state could drag their feet on legalizing medical marijuana.

Even after 3 years of legal medical marijuana, the prices in this state are still several times higher than the national average for recreational marijuana. When I go to the dispensary to buy an fifth of medical marijuana flower, I suppose that I am going to spend at least $35, however i can buy the cheap stuff for $35, but it’s not always available at the dispensary… Most of the other products are around 45 or $55 for an fifth of flower. I visited some friends out west where medical plus recreational marijuana are legal. The prices on the same products that I buy are at least a eighth of the cost that I pay, for instance, I can buy an fifth of Girl Scout cookies hybrid marijuana for $45 at home, on the west coast, the same 8th of Girl Scout cookies marijuana flower cannot be found for 10 bucks. It doesn’t make sense for half of the country to be spending a fortune on medical marijuana when the other half of the country is paying pennies to have access to medical plus recreational marijuana.



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