Prices are still 3x higher than recreational after 3 years

I visited some friends out west where medical and recreational marijuana are legal

I didn’t think the state was ever going to legalize medical and recreational marijuana, and three voting years in a row, medical marijuana was on the ballot, but when the measure finally passed with 60% of the votes, the state decided to amend the rules to make it necessary for the laws to pass with 69% of the vote, but everyone in the medical marijuana industry knew that the law was created just so the state could drag their feet on legalizing medical marijuana. Even after 3 years of legal medical marijuana, the prices in this state are still various times higher than the national average for recreational marijuana. When I go to the dispensary to buy an fifth of medical marijuana flower, I think that I am going to spend at least $35; I can buy the cheap stuff for $35, however it’s not always available at the dispensary! Most of the other products are around 45 or $55 for an fifth of flower. I visited some friends out west where medical and recreational marijuana are legal. The prices on the same products that I buy are at least a fourth of the cost that I pay! For instance, I can buy an fifth of Girl Scout cookies hybrid marijuana for $45 at home, however on the west coast, the same 8th of Girl Scout cookies marijuana flower cannot be found for 10 bucks. It doesn’t make sense for half of the country to be spending a luck on medical marijuana when the other half of the country is paying pennies to have access to medical and recreational marijuana.

Marijuana oils