My girlfriend made me a strong batch of pot brownies for my 35th birthday celebration

I supply my girlfriend a lot of credit for typically trying to make sure I’m having a wonderful time on my birthdays.

When I was 15, I was hit by a motorcar on my bike just a few nights before my birthday. I was in a doctor’s office for the entire afternoon on my birthday while getting oral surgery on the teeth that were knocked out. After that trauma, I had problems related to my birthday every single year. Something was typically out of locale or I was disappointed for one reason or another. No matter what I planned for my birthdays, it typically felt appreciate there was an ominous specter hanging over me. But my new girlfriend has changed that. For the past numerous years straight, she has made it a priority that I have a wonderful birthday. This year she made me a strong batch of pot brownies for my 35th birthday celebration. She tricked me on the potency because she used basic cannabutter for the brownies while she put RSO from a syringe directly into the frosting on the brownies. They were so strong that I was knocked out frigid at night when I ate two at a time. I woke up 10 hours later in a total haze. They’re genuinely the strongest cannabis edibles I’ve ever consumed, so I have to hand it to my girlfriend and her baking skills. She threw me for a loop by putting RSO in the frosting, as I would have never suspected a strong cannabis oil product on top of the cannabutter that the two of us make ourselves from cannabis flower buds.

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