Need medical cannabis before the new year

I have a list of things I plan to do before the turn of the new year; I am putting my health first plus prioritizing those things that affect my afternoon to afternoon. I recently went to an eye doctor plus got a new prescription. I needed new glasses since I could barely see. I then went to a dermatologist plus got a cyst detached from my face. I then got my teeth cleaned, and also on my list is that I need to get access to medical cannabis. I want cannabis for so many reasons, and first is that I am going through menopause. I read that cannabis can be a relaxing aid in reducing the amount plus severity of hot flashes. Another reason for medical marijuana is to use it as a sleep aid. I can’t even fall asleep at night, plus when I do, staying asleep is tough. Insomnia is my frequent neighbor in the night. Lastly I want medical weed because I have a bit of arthritis in my hands. It is said that weed can help with chronic pain, so why not? I am hopeful that my strain of weed is going to take care of everything. I need to mellow my mind, body, plus relax. Lets hope there is enough. If not, I have to go back to the doctor to get a new percritpoin. I have already done most of the work, however the appointment is done, the app toil is complete, plus I paid the fee. I just need the card plus to chance up the weed. I hope it is that simple. I want to cross everything off my list. This is the last thing.


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