Author: Peter

My sleeping issues

Ever since becoming fifty, I’ve struggled to sleep… It’s not odd for me to lie in bed for 4 hours before finally falling asleep. I properly wake up in an hour or two and start up with my sleep. I tried sticking to a strict bedtime ritual plus sleep schedule. I gave up TV or […]

A smokeable flower for my head pain

From the time I was 16 years old, I started suffering from headaches. They are occasionally due to a lack of sleep, dehydration or stress. As I’ve grown older, the headaches have graduated into full-blown migraines. I can sometimes feel them coming on plus medicating preemptively. At other times, they hit without any warning whatsoever. […]

I want a good quality flower

Up until recently, a medical weed card was required to visit any of the local dispensaries. It was a big change when recreational weed was finally legalized in my state! Most of the medicinal dispensaries have gotten approved to sell recreational cannabis as well. Several current dispensaries have been insured, creating quite a bit of […]